As a small-business owner, one of your primary goals is to find ways to reach more people with your marketing message. Yet one area you may be overlooking is the advertising benefit your company vehicles offer. With on-vehicle advertising, you can communicate your company’s marketing message to a greater number of people in your local community. Of course, as with any marketing option, there is a cost involved. How can you determine if the cost is worthwhile? Consider these benefits when placing your marketing materials on your fleet:
You Will Reach More People
A branded vehicle has the potential to reach the most people of almost any type of offline advertising method. Consider this fact from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, reported by Marketing Tango: a single vehicle wrap can generate up to 70,000 impressions per day. That’s a potential for over 25 million impressions in one year if you drive in a densely populated area. For smaller populations, the number is 30,000, which is still high.
In addition, branded vehicles are more easily seen than other outdoor advertisements. A vehicle is mobile, which increases the chances that any individual sharing the road or walking along the road will see the marketing. Also, unlike billboards, branded vehicles can be seen from multiple directions. What’s more, they are something people are less likely to ignore, unlike advertising in print media, on the television and on billboards, which the public has grown accustomed to and easily ignores.
Why is this? While fleet advertising is becoming increasingly popular, it has not yet dipped into the “ordinary” category. People are used to seeing vehicles with just one color and no pictures. When someone drives by a vehicle with a colorful graphic on it, he or she will likely take notice.
You Will Improve Your Customers’ Impressions of You
Effectively reaching people is only one step in the marketing puzzle. If you are reaching thousands of people every day, but they are left with a negative impression of your company, your marketing efforts have failed, and perhaps, even had a negative impact on your company.
The good news is, people report positive responses to mobile advertising. According to Airmark, fleet advertising increases name recognition 15 times more effectively than other marketing methods. An astounding 98 percent of customers reporting to the American Trucking Association indicated that fleet graphics created a positive image for the company they represented. Also, 96 percent suggested that fleet graphics had a better impact than other outdoor advertising options. These statistics are quite promising, and help show that investing in marketing materials for your vehicles will improve your image in your target market.
You May Lower Your Advertising Budget
For the small- to medium-sized business, the cost of advertising is always a factor to consider. Cost is another benefit of opting for advertising via your vehicle. Mobile advertisement on your vehicles is one of the most affordable options available. Smarter Media estimates that vehicle wrap costs around 35 cents per thousand impressions, resulting in about one-tenth cheaper costs than most outdoor advertisement options. This makes it one of the lowest cost-per-impression marketing products available.
You Will Improve Your Marketing ROI
Ultimately, reaching more people, increasing the positive impressions the people have of your company and a lower total cost leads to a better ROI for your advertising dollar — you will spend less for better results with this type of advertising.
Are you interested in fleet advertising? If not, then look at these benefits. If you have been thinking about it, allow these benefits to convince you to take the plunge. You will be pleased with the results.
Robert J. Hall is the president of Track Your Truck, a leader in GPS tracking for small fleets and midsized companies. Track Your Truck’s headquarters is located in the southwest suburbs of Chicago.