Entrepreneur Definition
So you may be asking yourself, “What is entrepreneurship?” To some people it strictly means that you start your own business. I disagree. I believe it is much broader than that.
Here’s an entrepreneurship definition that I like:
Being an entrepreneur means having the courage to tackle a problem in society, the creativity to find a solution, and the persistence to bring that solution into existence.
You’ll find that entrepreneurship means different things to different people. Given the description posted above, you may already be an entrepreneur and not know it! I fundamentally believe an entrepreneur is someone who creates value for society, finds a way to deliver that value through various distribution channels, and is able to get someone to pay them a profit for their creation.
Here are two examples of entrepreneurs. Sue, starts her own company providing home delivery of food products to the elderly. Then, there is Tom who works for a large corporation and launched a revolutionary heart monitor product after creating the idea and gathering corporate consensus and resources to make it a reality. Both people are entrepreneurs—both have shown courage in tackling a problem, created a solution, and got it done.
If you agree with my assessment, I believe you’ll find great value in reading the best business books for entrepreneurs that I review on this site. If you’re curious to learn more about the meaning of entrepreneurship, an entire website has been devoted to compiling various user-submitted definitions of entrepreneurship.
So, how do you translate “entrepreneurship” into everyday language? Please leave me your opinion below in the comments! After that, get started learning more about how to be a successful entrepreneur by checking out my latest review of the best business books for entrepreneurs here…..