Are you ready for the world’s first satirical book on entrepreneurship?
This week I was able to connect with Grayson Dearlove and ask him some questions about his new book, How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying. This is truly a unique book and one that currently has no competition in its category—entrepreneurship satire.
Below is my interview with Grayson…
What inspired you to write How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying?

Grayson Dearlove
Grayson Dearlove: As a late-blooming serial entrepreneur on the east coast, I wanted to write about the silliness of the current ecosystem that has evolved for building high-growth companies with other people’s money. What you read in the popular press about how it’s done is survivorship bias and it has corrupted a generation of entrepreneurs. You read about the outliers because they are outliers, not because they are instructive as the best way to build a successful business from zero. I was tired of hearing one-hit-wonders pontificate at conferences. They all make it sound easy. Thus the title of my book “How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying.” It teaches entrepreneurship by exposing absurdity.
Please tell us a little bit about your background and what you are currently doing.
My background is in the hard sciences, but I shed my lab coat long ago and have started six companies…three of them are still operating. These days I am focused on helping entrepreneurs as the founding partner of an advisory firm that works with startups, Venture Capital firms, and corporations to commercialize innovations in the energy sector. I also am an angel investor and enjoy surfing the internet of things.
Delving into your book now, who would benefit most from it?
People that would benefit from my book include wantrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and VCs that want insightful perspectives on the state of startups in America. But really anyone with a sense of humor that has an interest in how small, high growth businesses operate would enjoy this book.
What makes How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying different from other books that cover entrepreneurship?
“How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying” is ground zero for the entrepreneurship satire category. Because it’s light-hearted, you will actually read it cover to cover. It also helps because it’s short and quick-paced, like a Ramones song. My goal was to produce a meaningful and humorous piece of work that you could enjoy on a plane ride, and it delivers.
What are the most important elements, messages, or takeaways of your book that you’d like readers to know they will benefit from?
The main take away from the book is this: with the VC/startup system that is currently in place, you greatly improve your odds of success by understanding the motivations of the stakeholders that you need along the way. The best idea does not win, nor does the best product win. The smartest team does not win, nor does the best funded team win. Rather, it is the entrepreneur that plays the game well and has good timing or good luck on their side that ultimately reigns supreme.
What are the major sections of your book?
“How to Be an Entrepreneur without Even Trying” takes the reader from the idea stage to company formation to fundraising from Angel investors through several rounds of VC funding to final exit and ‘screw you money’. All this in fewer than 110 pages – and it’s illustrated!
What is the best piece of advice for an entrepreneur you’ve ever received?
“Entrepreneurs are gamblers. Being smart and hardworking is never enough; luck and timing will determine your outcome more than any other factor.”
– Grayson Dearlove
Give us an interesting fun fact about your book or the research you conducted for your book.
The book started as an academic piece and for a long time I was elbows deep into Schumpeter. One night while I was reviewing the manuscript, I realized that nobody would appreciate this highly intellectual piece unless it was posthumously. So I pivoted the next day and decided to play to my strengths; I’ve always been good at observational humor.
Where can people find out more about you and/or your book?
Exclusively on Amazon and on Kindle by clicking here.
Is there anything else you’d like to mention to our readers?
I am active on twitter and use it to deliver satirical content on entrepreneurship, business, and current events…@grayson.dearlove
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